Academic Industries Mathtools is a New York company that specializes in creating hands-on math tools. All of our products are manufactured in the United States and sold directly to schools, school districts, school stores, teachers, and students across the nation.

Academic Industries began in 1965, when two mathematics teachers, frustrated by the inaccurate freehand diagrams their students were drawing, invented The Geometer. They believed that accurate diagrams could visually reinforce geometric concepts and consequently, improve problem solving. In other words, what you see is what you think. They were not alone in their beliefs, since many years later teachers are still purchasing Geometers for their students.

The Geometer was followed by three products designed for teachers to enhance classroom instruction: The Spirit Duplicating Master Press on Math Labels, for reproducing grids on stencils; the Plastigraph, for demonstrating graphs in a large colorful way; and the Board Geometer, for drawing accurate diagrams at the chalkboard.

In 2001 the old duplicating labels emerged as the new Press on Graph Labels and three years later the Dimensional Geometer was introduced. These tools were designed for students as well as for teachers.

Looking forward, Academic Industries Mathtools will continue to develop products that can improve the teaching and learning of mathematics, both in and out of the classroom.